Different Scales of Resource-Aware Deep Learning and How to Tackle Them

By Pınar Tözün at various places during her sabbatical in Fall 2023 and the following year.
September 2024: ChiData Group, University of Chicago, IL, USA
June 2024: Large Scale Data & Systems Group, Imperial College London, UK
December 12, 2023: Systems Group, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
December 8, 2023: DIAS Lab, EPFL, Switzerland
December 4, 2023: eXascale Infolab, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
November 28, 2023: Databricks, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
November 28, 2023: INDE Lab, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
November 27, 2023: Database Architectures Group, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
October 27, 2023: Systems Group, TU Darmstadt, Germany
October 10, 2023: Chair for Database Systems, TU Munich, Germany
October 5, 2023: Snowflake, Berlin, Germany
September 25, 2023: DIMA, TU Berlin, Germany
September 19, 2023: HPI Data & AI Cluster Retreat, Germany
September 12, 2023: BIFOLD Summer School 2023 on Artificial Intelligence and Ecological Sustainability, Berlin, Germany